Ament-Kovács Bence – Eitler Ágnes (szerk.): Örökségképzés, kulturális emlékezet, identitás.
445–492. Budapest: BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet, 2023

Sándor Borbély: Heritage Construction and Temporal Experience. Anthropological Approaches and Everyday Social Practices of Cultural Heritage-making


Abstract: The study focuses on the examination of today’s ethnographical approaches and theoreticalmethodological paradigms of “cultural heritage,” as well as everyday social practices related to heritage-making (preparing lists of local values and Hungarikums, monumentalization, festivalization, museumization, etc.). In the first part of the paper, the author briefly describes the most common ethnographic approaches to the concept of “cultural heritage”, as well as the most important analytical models related to the given field of knowledge. In this regard he argues for approaching heritage phenomena and their various manifestations (objects, places, and practices) through a kind of ontological framework (in the context of alternative, cultural concepts of the future). Through an empirical example – the analysis of the collection/preservation of values that started after 2010 among the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia – the study presents the local/regional practices, ritual and symbolic patterns of heritage-making in the given Western Ukrainian region. Examining the activities of minority political-cultural elites, the author concentrates on the analysis of the processes of the transformation of meaning through which individual local cultural assets (or certain arbitrarily, casually accentuated elements) become global social realities (national-translocal heritage objects). 

Kulcsszavak: kulturális örökség, hagyomány, identitásépítő gyakorlatok, időtapasztalat 

Keywords: cultural heritage, tradition, identity-building practices, temporal experience