Báti Anikó (szerk.): Menzadimenziók. A gyermek-közétkeztetés társadalmi beágyazottsága. (Néprajztudományi Könyvtár 2.) Budapest: BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet, 2023. 237–249. p.

Kapitány Ágnes – Kapitány Gábor: Az étkezés jelrendszere – étkezés és identitás

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61380/978-963-567-072-7-09

Abstract: Eating and food have always played a prominent role in the development of the characteristics of a culture. That is why cultural anthropology is especially focused on these topics. In our study, we would like to present some analytical dimensions that can be used in the analysis of food culture, partly through the cultural anthropological and partly through the socio-semiotic approach. First, we look at the gastrosemiotic aspects that are helpful in sorting food along different dichotomies and poles. Here we cover aspects that may indicate differences between cultures and subcultures, aspects that relate to differences in mealtimes, and aspects that are rooted in the material differences of foods. Next, we list the dimensions that, as general factors of status symbols, can also play a role in the analysis of food. In the study, we also cover our longitudinal study called Symbols of Hungarianness conducted (in 1997 and 2021–22) on a national representative sample of 1,000 people, where we inquired about typical foods and drinks from the point of view of national identity, which are thus also suitable for presenting certain characteristics of Hungarian cuisine.

Kulcsszavak: kulturális antropológia, gasztronómia, szocio-szemiotika, nemzeti identitás, hierarchia szimbólumok

Keywords: cultural anthropology, gastronomy, socio-semiotics, national identity, hierarchy symbol