Báti Anikó (szerk.): Menzadimenziók. A gyermek-közétkeztetés társadalmi beágyazottsága. (Néprajztudományi Könyvtár 2.) Budapest: BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet, 2023. 325–340. p.

Góg Angéla: A jövő asztala – menza

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61380/978-963-567-072-7-15

Abstract: If we look back at our past and search our memories, we can find many that are linked to a food, a meal or a taste. Not least of all, we remember the memories of canteen meals, the food we ate and the schoolmates with whom we ate it. In my research, I explore this process of how these stories are stored and how they emerge in response to a taste. In my paper, I talk about how memory works, how stories are stored and recalled. I explore the importance of preservation and the possibilities of passing them on to posterity. My aim is to summarize the experience and knowledge I have gained in my work and to raise awareness of the importance of the subject.

Kulcsszavak: ízek és emlékek kapcsolata, boldogság íze, jövő 

Keywords: flavours and memories, taste of happiness, future