169 6987 Mihály Hoppál
scientific advisor, professor emeritus,
Department of Non-European Studies
Office: B.8.42
Office phone: +36-1-224-6700 ext. 4452
Mobile phone: +36-30-9644-789
Languages: English, Russian
Academic degrees:

Doctor of Liberal Arts, 1972;

Candidate of Literary Studies (Folklore), 1990;

Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006

Research areas, keywords:

traditional and modern forms of shamanism, ethnosemiotics, mythology, folk medicine           

Place and date of birth: Kassa (Košice), October 31, 1942
 Publications: Mihály Hoppál’s full list of publications is available in the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára / Database of Hungarian Scientific Publications)
Curriculum Vitae