Ruttkay-Miklián Eszter Eszter Ruttkay-Miklián 

Department of Non-European Studies

Office: B.8.38.
Office phone: +36-1-224-67-00 ext. 4261
Mobile phone:  
Languages: English, Russian, German, Khanty
Academic degree: PhD 2004
Research areas, keywords: Siberian studies, Khanty language and culture, kinship, taboos, history of science: the legacy of Antal Reguly and Éva Schmidt
      Place and date of birth: Budapest, 24.03.1971.
Publications: Eszter Ruttkay-Miklián’s full list of publications is available in the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára / Database of Hungarian Scientific Publications)
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 Curriculum Vitae