crw 6803 Zsolt Szilágyi

senior research fellow,
Department of Non-European Studies

Office: B.8.13.
Office phone: +36-1-224-6700 ext. 4163
Languages: English, Mongolian
Academic degree: PhD
Research areas, keywords: Central Asian state and social history in historical documents, church and state relations in Central Asia, Mongolian history, history of Central Asian and Mongolian Buddhism, development of new research methods, linking archival research and fieldwork, digital recordkeeping, new publishing opportunities, development of multimedia curriculum
Place and date of birth: Miskolc, October 2, 1970
Publications: Zsolt Szilágyi's full list of publications is available in the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT: Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára / Database of Hungarian Scientific Publications)
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Curriculum Vitae